Posts Tagged ‘My Purpose’

Why Are We Here?

Sunday, July 19th, 2015

Only you can answer that, for all the answers are within you. All you have to do is to be still and take the time to listen.

For me, I believe we are not here to contemplate, but to “experience.” That is why we came here. We can contemplate on the other side. This is our “playing field” .If we sit on a rock all day humming we are missing out on all the interaction that this planet offers. As Dr. Wayne Dyer so aptly put it, “If we knew who was walking with us at any given moment, we would never be afraid again.” In short we are not alone. When we venture out and into life we doing so with guidance, if we choose to listen. Every encounter, every challenge is a learning experience. If we wake up and are breathing, we still have “stuff” to experience. Continue Reading